DM Blog

Bluffer’s Park


Perhaps like most Torontonians, I had heard a lot about how beautiful the Scarborough Bluffs are, (and I’ll admit it did pique my interest a little bit), but it always seemed way too far away so I never made the trip out east to visit the area. In fact, I remember when I used to think that anything east of Yonge was too far…

And then late at night on , Michelle and I found ourselves making a very last-minute, spontaneous decision to drive out to The Bluffs with our three dogs to watch the fireworks.

With the rented minivan in neutral and my foot hovering the brake, I was in complete awe with my surroundings as I steered down the steep, curvy roadway to Bluffer’s park. I remember feeling like I was at some tourist destination far away from the city while I wondered how much nicer it must look in daylight – it really didn’t feel like I was in Toronto anymore. (At least not the Toronto that I knew.)

After watching the fireworks from the minivan and getting only a limited view of the park in the pitch-black night, we knew we owed it to ourselves to return sometime in the daylight when we could fully appreciate the park. It would have to be in the distant future though – all of our time in the coming weeks would have to be spent looking for a new place to live, ideally closer to downtown. Little did we know that two months later we’d be moving into the neighbourhood, only a few blocks away from the bluffs…

It wasn’t until the that I was able to return to Bluffer’s Park with our three dogs, (the day before we moved into our new place), and it was another two weeks before Michelle was also able to join us for a walk through the park. it’s so much nicer in daylight!

Here are some photos I took on both visits ( and ):

Bluffer’s Park Beach
Bluffer’s Park Beach
Bluffer’s Park Beach
Lake Ontario
Lake Ontario
Bluffer’s Park
Lake Ontario
Scarborough Bluffs
Lake Ontario
Boats at Bluffer’s Park
Boats at Bluffer’s Park
Cathedral Bluffs Yacht Club
Light Tower
Weeping Willow
Picnic Area
Scarborough Bluffs
Storm Water Treatment
Bluffer’s Park Parking Lot
Purple Flower

Bluffer’s park really is a gorgeous place – the beach, the many picnic areas, the yachts, Lake ontario, the lakeside restaurant, the view of the bluffs – there’s just so much to take in! I can’t wait until next summer to check more of it out – we’ve only just scratched the surface and have lots more of the park to discover!

This is home… Toronto.