Bass Photos
by Daniel Menjívar • #music #photographyFor the longest time I’ve been meaning to take photos of my basses, but I’ve never gotten around to it. Now that I’m re-doing my website, I figured it was the perfect time to get some photos of these sexy basses! (I say "re-doing" my website because I’m not just redesigning it, I’m actually re-writing all the code from the ground up, and making major changes to my database structure, etc.)
So earlier this week, I set-up an impromptu photography studio at home to take some bass photos, with the intent of using them in the graphics of my website… I had extremely limited resources so the makeshift studio was very laughable, but at least my camera wasn’t so ghetto… Here are the edited photos:

I love my basses! Not only are they gorgeous to look at, (and they look much better in person), but they also sound amazing. Yes, both of them! Now I just need some good quality photos of me with the basses. Hm…
So, it turns out, I’m not so sure I’ll be able to use any of these photos for my website, but I’m still thinking about (and re-thinking) the design of my website, so we’ll see. (One of the problems is that the purpose of my website has changed significantly. It used to be that my events page brought the most traffic to my site, and my site was centered around that. But now my charts page has far surpassed the traffic to my events pages, and arranging seems to keep me far busier these days too…)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the photos!