DM Blog Re-Design
by Daniel Menjívar • #blogging
I’ve decided that I will be re-designing my blog. Traffic to my blog is substantial enough to justify working on it and making changes. But before I can do that, there are a couple things I need to do that I should have done a long time ago. The thing is, I’ve made so many customizations to my blog, both in terms of its design and functionality, that I’ll have to do a lot of work in order to carry those modifications over.
After thinking things through, I realized that instead of modifying the theme’s PHP code, JavaScript, etc., what I should have done in the beginning is create my own WordPress Plugin so that modifying my theme in the future isn’t such a chore… This way, I can change themes on the fly without having to worry about porting over any modifications. At the same time, while I’ve already created a couple of custom shortcodes that I use on a regular basis, I could obviously use a lot more to make updating my blog a whole lot easier.
So, while it will involve a lot of work in the short-term, it should make switching my theme in the future a breeze. There are also a couple new WordPress features as of the newly released WordPress 2.7 that I would like to take advantage of.
Change is good, but change also inspires more change…
I’ve also been thinking about focusing my blog a little more and sticking to a single topic. While I enjoy having a blog about everything and nothing, I know that if I want to increase my readership in the long-run, I’ll have to focus on a specific topic and take more risks by offering my opinion. So the question is, what should my blog be about? Suggestions are welcome!
If you have any suggestions, comments, advice, guidance, etc., about what direction to take my blog in the new year, or suggestions on how to improve my blog’s functionality and design, please get in touch. Even if it’s just a suggestion about a colour scheme or fonts…
I’m setting a goal to have all the changes completed by January 1, 2009.